In life it is believed that one cannot live life long enough to experience all there is to experience. Sometimes, you learn through what others before you have gone through. It is believed that developed relationships in life can be therapeutic in encouraging one to reach their full potential. In this case, therapeutic to couples by exploring the life of other couples who have experienced circumstances that may have tested their faith and how they made a conscientious effort to choose LOVE.


Ultimately, the audience should feel comfortable when watching couples uncover their own relationships. How holding on to the memory of why they chose each other is relived and used as a tool to continue the building of their love story. Revealing their truths while using it as fuel to keep the fire burning. Understanding that nothing worth keeping is in existence without trial and tribulation. However, choosing to love through it all make them more than conquerors against the evils that seek to destroy what God has meant for good...LOVE.

In these mini-sode documentaries, the lives of several couples will be exposed with candid accounts of how they met, when they knew each other was "the one", the proposal, lives in love, recognizing differences and overcoming conflict to what keeps them choosing love. They will travel down memory lane all while vowing to use the fire through certain conflicts in the past to continuously fuel the flame of their love. Couples will illustrate how a love ordained by God can stand the test of time and weather the storm. This is meant to be both uplifting for the viewer as well as the participants.